Friday, June 12, 2015

Savanah Wants to Relieve Pain

I am in deep admiration of people who see pain in the world and want to make it better.  Savanah Edwards is just such a person.  She wants to become a chiropractor.  She also wants to donate her time to help the less fortunate.  But for her to continue in school and move forward, she needs your help.  Some of you have been in that position. Your donation can make a big difference in her life and the lives of those she will help.  Hear what she has to say about her dream:


Hi everyone. My name is Savanah Edwards and my project is to help me self fund my education at University.
My Dad has shown me how I could participate in this program to intentionally fund my own way through University.
I have already established a sizable amount of student loan debt which is where this crowdfunding program can help.
I am presently studying health and sciences as an undergraduate at Curtain University in Perth Western Australia.
I am wanting to pursue a career in Chiropractic medicine. I have already completed 2 years undergrad-study and have 2 years remaining.


My Goal is to complete my postgraduate studies in the next 2 years obtaining a full degree in medical science and do a further 3 years at School of Chiropractic here in Western Australia.
Once I complete my studies I wish to do 2-4 years community work at "NO COST" I have always wanted to uteilise my skills to benefit the underprivilaged.
I have developed friendships with a small group of like minded students who want to do the same type of humanitarian work.
We have hopes of going to Countries like Costa Rica, and The Dominican Republic and so on, doing "FREE" clinics.
I can see that this type of intentional crowdfunding can fund not only my education, but also fund Projects abroad overseas."
This unique project is worth your time to check out her project page and make a donation.  You can do that by going to:

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