Friday, June 12, 2015

Please Support Health when insurance WON'T PAY

Brad is a homeless man with a big heart and the desire to help himself, but due to catastrophic illness he is getting deeper and deeper into debt.  Because of his illness he is unable to work at a normal job.  We talk a lot about helping the homeless.  Here is your opportunity.  Take a look at what Brad has to say about his condition.

Over the past several years, I've worked on becoming healthy.  However, insurance companies are refusing to provide a couple very important medical necessary processes.  I come to you requesting your support in making these processes financially possible..

First, save my foot.  Over a year ago, I developed bone infection in my right foot.  After undergoing 6 weeks of IV Vancomycin antibiotics, I was being seen by a podiatrist surgeon.  Although he was willing to keep an eye on the wound while I fought the infections, some of which I healed through honey, his main aim was amputation.  After several months, I dropped him when one of his procedures actually created a wound and bone infection on the other side of the foot.  Finally, another podiatrist, under the request of a friend, visit me during another time I was in the hospital for the infection, and Dr Huang stated she could save the foot.  Yet, my insurance refuses to pay her.  So, first request is to help me save my foot.
Second is surgery to remove unhealthy excess skin.  I'm very proud to say I've lost nearly 260 pounds over the past several years.  Now, I have a lot of excess skin which is unhealthy, especially being diabetic.  Again, insurance won't pay for the surgery.  They call it cosmetic surgery, but even my doctor says it's unhealthy to keep it due to strain it places on the body.  So, please also support me in getting this necessary surgery.

Thank you for taking the time to care.  To contribute to help save a life, click the link below:

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