Friday, June 12, 2015

Help Tom and His Wife Save the World, One Step at a Time

Tom and his wife Krista are two wonderful people with big hearts.  They want to make a big difference in the world.  They want to educate.  Not just to give out fishes, but to teach whole communities how to fish and become self reliant.  This admirable goal needs your help to succeed.  To quote Tom:


Paving a Way for ALL to succeed

Thank you for considering supporting The Whimsical Hand. We are a humanitarian faith-based ministry that focuses on ministering to people in every area of life- meeting physical needs, spiritual needs and emotional needs. We invite you to visit our website The Whimsical Hand in order to gain more detailed information concerning our mission and also contact us with any questions you may have. Below you will see a three-stage approach to fund our work and begin to provide support to local national leaders who are partnering with us to realize our vision. Our partners work very closely with the poor and are committed to seeing poverty eradicated from their regions by finding creative ways to provide employment, raise food such as crops and livestock and teach the people in their regions that there is a better way to live. Because of the desire they have to see positive change they have chosen to work closely with us in order to establish Training and Restoration Centers where we will prepare people to become a positive force for change by providing food, employment opportunities and teaching them sound principles to begin to change the region they live in by becoming stable members of society."

How can you help?  Just click on the link below to see the details of their plan and what you can do to make a difference.  

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