Friday, June 12, 2015

Help Mikaela Get To Performing Arts College

Here is your opportunity to say you helped a celebrity in the early days of their career.  Mikaela Edwards is a talented young lady focused on a career in music.  Someday when you see her standing on stage with an audience of cheering fans, you will be able to say you helped her get her start.  In her own words:

My name is Mikaela Edwards, and IMAROCKSTAR is my project to help fund my education at University.
I have been studying music and playing the guitar since I was 12 years old and I want to study at "The School of Performing Arts"
at Edith Cowan University in Perth Next year 2016 with a major in contemporary music.
My main goal is to complete a degree in Bachelor of Arts (Event Managment) But this is a whole bunch of money that I just don't have
hence why I am using this intentional weshare crowdfunding platform.
I see it's potential to get the funding I need by donating and paying it forward to other projects.
I'm more than happy to do that instead of relying on my parents to fork out cash. I know they would do it but I feel that this is a far better solution
So I thank you in advance for the donations you will make, I am excited to get some of my friends started on this as well, and maybe together we can acomplish the impossible.
To contribute to the next big star in the celebrity firmament, go to:

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