Saturday, June 13, 2015

Is Your Crowd-funding Project As Effective As You Would Like?

There are a ton of crowd-funding platforms out there, each with their very own take on things.

  • Most charge a percentage of what you raise.
  • Most require you to set a goal and a deadline and if you don't make the deadline, you don't get the funds
  • Most require you to do your own promotion, and if you don't know how to do that, you might as well not bother.
As a professional internet marketer, I looked at these different models and realized they were flawed.  When my clients asked about them, I gave them the precautions in the bulleted list above.  Some decided to go ahead anyway and were daunted by the endless requirements and percentages from 3-8% on every penny they raised.

Until recently I simply could not recommend them.  However, I found a great crowd-funding option recently that I would like to share with my readers.  Click here to see what I mean.  Finally a crowd-funding platform I can heartily recommend.  And the nice thing is that this platform that has none of the drawbacks of the others out there and people are actually getting the funding they need without having to be an internet marketing guru.

1 comment:

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