Saturday, June 13, 2015

Is Your Crowd-funding Project As Effective As You Would Like?

There are a ton of crowd-funding platforms out there, each with their very own take on things.

  • Most charge a percentage of what you raise.
  • Most require you to set a goal and a deadline and if you don't make the deadline, you don't get the funds
  • Most require you to do your own promotion, and if you don't know how to do that, you might as well not bother.
As a professional internet marketer, I looked at these different models and realized they were flawed.  When my clients asked about them, I gave them the precautions in the bulleted list above.  Some decided to go ahead anyway and were daunted by the endless requirements and percentages from 3-8% on every penny they raised.

Until recently I simply could not recommend them.  However, I found a great crowd-funding option recently that I would like to share with my readers.  Click here to see what I mean.  Finally a crowd-funding platform I can heartily recommend.  And the nice thing is that this platform that has none of the drawbacks of the others out there and people are actually getting the funding they need without having to be an internet marketing guru.

Friday, June 12, 2015

Help Tom and His Wife Save the World, One Step at a Time

Tom and his wife Krista are two wonderful people with big hearts.  They want to make a big difference in the world.  They want to educate.  Not just to give out fishes, but to teach whole communities how to fish and become self reliant.  This admirable goal needs your help to succeed.  To quote Tom:


Paving a Way for ALL to succeed

Thank you for considering supporting The Whimsical Hand. We are a humanitarian faith-based ministry that focuses on ministering to people in every area of life- meeting physical needs, spiritual needs and emotional needs. We invite you to visit our website The Whimsical Hand in order to gain more detailed information concerning our mission and also contact us with any questions you may have. Below you will see a three-stage approach to fund our work and begin to provide support to local national leaders who are partnering with us to realize our vision. Our partners work very closely with the poor and are committed to seeing poverty eradicated from their regions by finding creative ways to provide employment, raise food such as crops and livestock and teach the people in their regions that there is a better way to live. Because of the desire they have to see positive change they have chosen to work closely with us in order to establish Training and Restoration Centers where we will prepare people to become a positive force for change by providing food, employment opportunities and teaching them sound principles to begin to change the region they live in by becoming stable members of society."

How can you help?  Just click on the link below to see the details of their plan and what you can do to make a difference.  

Savanah Wants to Relieve Pain

I am in deep admiration of people who see pain in the world and want to make it better.  Savanah Edwards is just such a person.  She wants to become a chiropractor.  She also wants to donate her time to help the less fortunate.  But for her to continue in school and move forward, she needs your help.  Some of you have been in that position. Your donation can make a big difference in her life and the lives of those she will help.  Hear what she has to say about her dream:


Hi everyone. My name is Savanah Edwards and my project is to help me self fund my education at University.
My Dad has shown me how I could participate in this program to intentionally fund my own way through University.
I have already established a sizable amount of student loan debt which is where this crowdfunding program can help.
I am presently studying health and sciences as an undergraduate at Curtain University in Perth Western Australia.
I am wanting to pursue a career in Chiropractic medicine. I have already completed 2 years undergrad-study and have 2 years remaining.


My Goal is to complete my postgraduate studies in the next 2 years obtaining a full degree in medical science and do a further 3 years at School of Chiropractic here in Western Australia.
Once I complete my studies I wish to do 2-4 years community work at "NO COST" I have always wanted to uteilise my skills to benefit the underprivilaged.
I have developed friendships with a small group of like minded students who want to do the same type of humanitarian work.
We have hopes of going to Countries like Costa Rica, and The Dominican Republic and so on, doing "FREE" clinics.
I can see that this type of intentional crowdfunding can fund not only my education, but also fund Projects abroad overseas."
This unique project is worth your time to check out her project page and make a donation.  You can do that by going to:

Help Mikaela Get To Performing Arts College

Here is your opportunity to say you helped a celebrity in the early days of their career.  Mikaela Edwards is a talented young lady focused on a career in music.  Someday when you see her standing on stage with an audience of cheering fans, you will be able to say you helped her get her start.  In her own words:

My name is Mikaela Edwards, and IMAROCKSTAR is my project to help fund my education at University.
I have been studying music and playing the guitar since I was 12 years old and I want to study at "The School of Performing Arts"
at Edith Cowan University in Perth Next year 2016 with a major in contemporary music.
My main goal is to complete a degree in Bachelor of Arts (Event Managment) But this is a whole bunch of money that I just don't have
hence why I am using this intentional weshare crowdfunding platform.
I see it's potential to get the funding I need by donating and paying it forward to other projects.
I'm more than happy to do that instead of relying on my parents to fork out cash. I know they would do it but I feel that this is a far better solution
So I thank you in advance for the donations you will make, I am excited to get some of my friends started on this as well, and maybe together we can acomplish the impossible.
To contribute to the next big star in the celebrity firmament, go to:

Please Support Health when insurance WON'T PAY

Brad is a homeless man with a big heart and the desire to help himself, but due to catastrophic illness he is getting deeper and deeper into debt.  Because of his illness he is unable to work at a normal job.  We talk a lot about helping the homeless.  Here is your opportunity.  Take a look at what Brad has to say about his condition.

Over the past several years, I've worked on becoming healthy.  However, insurance companies are refusing to provide a couple very important medical necessary processes.  I come to you requesting your support in making these processes financially possible..

First, save my foot.  Over a year ago, I developed bone infection in my right foot.  After undergoing 6 weeks of IV Vancomycin antibiotics, I was being seen by a podiatrist surgeon.  Although he was willing to keep an eye on the wound while I fought the infections, some of which I healed through honey, his main aim was amputation.  After several months, I dropped him when one of his procedures actually created a wound and bone infection on the other side of the foot.  Finally, another podiatrist, under the request of a friend, visit me during another time I was in the hospital for the infection, and Dr Huang stated she could save the foot.  Yet, my insurance refuses to pay her.  So, first request is to help me save my foot.
Second is surgery to remove unhealthy excess skin.  I'm very proud to say I've lost nearly 260 pounds over the past several years.  Now, I have a lot of excess skin which is unhealthy, especially being diabetic.  Again, insurance won't pay for the surgery.  They call it cosmetic surgery, but even my doctor says it's unhealthy to keep it due to strain it places on the body.  So, please also support me in getting this necessary surgery.

Thank you for taking the time to care.  To contribute to help save a life, click the link below:

Help Me House My Grandmother

This project is so very sweet.  Max wants to rebuild his house so he can keep his "Granny" close by and take care of her.  You have to admire someone who cares that much about a grand parent.

 This is the kind of thing I think crowdfunding should be about. You might want to go to his project page to see it all, but here is a short excerpt from his crowdfunding project:

Our House forever:

We are trying to raise money to pay off our mortgage & build a 2 bay garage with a granny flat attached.
I have retired and my grandson who lives with me is our main income earner.
I receive a Pension but that just barely covers costs.
I require $200,000 dollars so it becomes "Our House Forever" and we can build a double garage with grannyflat attached.
My Grandson is going to do some renovations to our Kitchen & Bathroom that is his part to do.
He wanted to pay for the lot, but I want him to finish University. He is training to be a Nurse. Then he wants to become a Physio.

To help Maxwell help his grandmother go to his crowdfunding page here:

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Help Launch a Radio Show

This is a project after my own heart.  This brilliant lady has what it takes to make it big as a show host in her new radio reality show, "RealTalk With Nevada".

Her topic? Empowering others to WIN in their Personal, Financial, & Business Life. We all need a little of that, yes?  Having a coach can make a major difference in a person's life and this lady has what it takes to help you win.  In her own words:

"My project is to start a reality talk show which will empower others to excel win and succeed in their business, personal and financial life. My talk show will include live and online public speaking events, interviews, videos, workshops, seminars, etc., covering a wide spectrum of topics relating to becoming a better you personally, emotionally, physically, financially and spiritually.
I will also expand my financial services company. The goal is to create funding to expand our reach- thru seminars, public speaking events, webinars, one-on-one, and group meetings.  Our missionl is to increase the awareness and the importance of being properly educated to avoid mistreatment and, to learn how to properly use various financial tools to your create or expand financial portfolios. We will also support in revitalizing communities statewide by offering apprenticeship programs and employment opportunities.
Lastly, I will launch an Online University a NEVER BROKE AGAIN Business School created to heal brokenness in your personal, spiritual, financial and business life. The university will be jam-packed with personal, financial and business development courses, videos, business ideas, products, services, business, employment opportunities and more. My Online  University will tremendously benefit anyone committed to a life of excellence for a higher purpose."
To donate to this project go to: